Thursday, November 26, 2020

Aries Cryptic #30 - "High Times" (Contest)

Aries Cryptic #30 "High Times" - PDF | SolutionIntro to Cryptics Guide (PDF)

Happy Thanksgiving! We're still celebrating the tenth anniversary here at Aries Puzzles, so here's a special variety cryptic for you, titled "High Times." 

Happy solving!

Thursday, November 5, 2020

10th Anniversary!

Digital Decade - PUZ | PDF | PDF (Grayscale) | Solution

This month marks the tenth anniversary of! Back in November 2010 when I launched the site I wasn't not sure if it would have lasted ten weeks much less ten years, so it's especially gratifying to acknowledge not only this anniversary but the growth of Aries Puzzles over these ten years. Thanks to all solvers who have visited the site and solved puzzles over the last decade and have helped grow the site by recommending it to others. Here's to another ten years! 

For the special occasion, I've got a themed crossword for your enjoyment, titled "Digital Decade." See above for the PUZ and PDF files, or below to solve online. Hope you enjoy!

I've updated the Monthly Bundles through October so be sure to check those out if you're interested.

There will be another puzzle coming this anniversary month, so be sure to stop by again soon. If you've been coming to this site for ten years or if this is your first visit, I'm very grateful for your support. As always, happy solving!