Aries Rows Garden has gone on hiatus as of December 31, 2024.
Subscriptions are available in 1-Year and 6-Month options.
GIFT SUBSCRIPTION SPECIAL - An Aries Puzzles subscription makes a great gift for a puzzle lover! If you purchase one subscription at full price, you may purchase an additional gift subscription of equal or lesser value for 50% off! Be sure to include a note (or send an email) with the name and email address of the giftee when you purchase.
Subscribe using Paypal below. Scroll down for additional payment options through Venmo, Zelle, or by mailing a check. All prices USD.
1-Year (52 puzzles) $30
6-Month (26 puzzles) $16
PAYPAL.ME - Username: @AriesPuzzles
VENMO - Username: @AriesPuzzles
ZELLE - Email: aries[dot]puzzles[at]gmail[dot]com
PAY BY CHECK - Send me an email and I will provide a mailing address to send a check.
Some more details:
-Puzzles are delivered to your inbox by 9 AM ET every Tuesday. Puzzles are offered in PDF format and .RGZ format (for solving in the Rows Garden app, available for iOS and Android devices) and come in the four levels of difficulty described in the sidebar.
-Puzzles will be sent to the email address that you use to subscribe through Paypal/Venmo/Zelle. If you'd like the puzzles sent to a different address, just send me an email with the email address to which you'd like the puzzles sent.
-Puzzles will be sent from a Gmail address starting with [aries(DOT)rowsgarden]. Be aware that puzzle emails may be filtered into a Promotions or Social folder, depending on your email provider and your personal email settings. To ensure consistent puzzle delivery, be sure to add this email address to your safe senders list (or "whitelist") with your email provider.