Thursday, September 26, 2024

From A to Z #2 ... and Announcing "S8: A Section Eight Puzzle Pack"

From A to Z #2 - PDF | Grayscale PDF | Solution (PDF)

Back with another From A to Z puzzle this month. I hadn't realized it has been a full three years since posting the first of these puzzles. It's a fun and unique format and I'm happy to feature it again. PDF only - hope you enjoy!

Also, the September monthly bundle for Aries Rows Garden is now available, and a reminder that subscriptions are always open if you don't want to wait for the bundle every month. 

Last but not least, I'm thrilled to announce my next puzzle pack: it's called S8: A Section Eight Puzzle Pack! If you're a fan of Section Eight puzzles as much as I am, you'll love this collection of 8 brand-new puzzles. The official release date is October 24th, but if you pre-order before October 24th you'll get an additional two-puzzle bonus bundle immediately upon pre-ordering. 10/24/2024 UPDATE: S8 has been officially released! The Bonus Bundle is still available now as an add-on. For more details and to order, click here.

Happy solving!