Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Candy Boxes (Contest)

Candy Boxes - PDF | Solution (PDF)

It's time for another Boxes puzzle, and this time it's a contest! Special for the Halloween season, it's called "Candy Boxes." The instructions are included, and when completed, the letters not used in Boxes entries will suggest the name of a one-word candy brand. Email this candy brand by next Thursday, November 7th. I'll randomly select two solvers from correct submissions, one current subscriber and one current non-subscriber. Winners will win a three-month subscription (or three-month extension, if already subscribed) to Aries Rows Garden. I'll post the solution as well as announce the winners next week after the deadline. Hope you enjoy!

11/8/24 UPDATE: Thanks to all solvers who submitted an answer! Out of 89 correct entries, the two winners are Frank Broll and Kay Whitman! Congratulations to you both, and thanks again for all entrants. The solution has now been attached above. 

Also, S8: A Section Eight Puzzle Pack has been officially released, so be sure to scoop up a copy if you haven't already. And, the October monthly bundle for Aries Rows Garden is now available. A subscription to Aries Rows Garden is always available if you don't want to wait for the bundles.

Happy solving!