Thursday, February 27, 2020

February FREE RG

February FREE RG - PDF: Hardest | Harder | Easier | Easiest | Solution

February FREE RG - RGZ (for solving in the Rows Garden app for iPad/iPhoneAndroid, and Kindle Fire)

Back with this month's Rows Garden! This puzzle started with the entry at C2; while it's an entry that isn't making its debut, it lends a nice letter pattern for its intersecting blooms. For me the fun in constructing a Rows Garden isn't so much the seed entry but uncovering the best fill that emerges from the seed. Here entries like E2, F1, and G2 were pleasant surprises that resulted from the trial-and-error process of constructing the grid. Hope you enjoy!

A few days remaining to send in your answer for the Meta Cryptic contest! I've already received over 50 correct entries so far. The contest runs through 7 PM PST on Monday, March 2nd, so be sure to give it a shot!

Happy solving,



  1. Well, I'm a freelance writer/journalist and my reference sheet is a style guide. That's a bit cheating

  2. "Style guide" and "style sheet" are both legitimate things.
