After eleven years, I've made the difficult decision to discontinue the weekly Aries Rows Garden subscription service. The final puzzle, #11.53, will be emailed to subscribers on December 31st, 2024.
I'm proud to say that it's been a good run. When I launched Aries Rows Garden in 2014, there was no puzzle service that exclusively offered Rows Gardens. I was flying blind in a sense, lacking a subscriber base proven to support one niche format, as well as a price point that would attract enough solvers to make it a financially viable venture. Slowly but surely a small but dedicated base emerged. Reflecting now in 2024, and after 444 (!) total Rows Gardens, I'm happy to report that the landscape is much different. There are two other Rows Garden services that have entered the market, and the Rows Garden solvership seems very well-served in comparison to those desolate pre-2014 days.
While I freelanced as a full-time puzzle writer for five years, I've since transitioned to full-time work outside of puzzles, and I prefer a focused commitment to my current profession. For me, the Rows Garden is a very labor-intensive format, and the time needed to produce quality puzzles isn't as available as it once was. This was a decision that I certainly wrestled with, but ultimately it's the best one for me at this stage in my life.
What does this mean going forward? First of all, I am planning on continuing the free monthly variety puzzles on the website, so do keep stopping by to solve original variety puzzles such as Twists & Turns, Double or Nothing, and Marching Bands.
As far as Rows Gardens go, I may be shuttering the weekly puzzles, but I hope to offer RGs on an occasional basis in the future. The monthly bundles have proven to be a pleasant surprise as there seems to be a decent market willing to pay for smallish bundles. Nothing is currently set in stone, but I'm thinking of offering such a bundle of 5 or 6 original Rows Gardens perhaps once a quarter - and I would be willing to make that a regular thing, if a market proves viable. This is to say that I'm not done writing Rows Gardens, and stay tuned to the site for more info on when the next RG offering becomes available.
So while this is the end of one era, I hope it's the beginning of another. I want to extend a hearty "thank you" to all solvers who have subscribed over the years. If you're not a current subscriber but would like to be added to a mailing list so you can be updated on future Rows Garden offerings, just send me an email. And do come back each month to solve the free variety puzzles - I'll be back in just a few days for the annual Thanksgiving Twists & Turns!
Yours in solving,
The freestyle and rows garden puzzles you wrote were a sincere highlight of my week. While I will greatly miss them, I understand the decision. I do hope you are able to do quarterly RG bundles as I would very gladly buy them! Looking forward to the monthly variety puzzles continuing, too.
ReplyDeleteI second this wholeheartedly!
DeleteThanks for the many years of solving pleasure!
ReplyDeleteSecond the above
ReplyDeleteThird! I've really enjoyed all of your puzzles and look forward to whatever you decide to publish in the future!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you are retiring the service, Andrew. I always thought your Rows Gardens were the best of the lot. I'm sure many of us will continue to look for, and purchase, whatever puzzles you create.
ReplyDeleteAll the best.
I am so grateful for you for the two short years I've been a subscriber. Thank you for introducing me to Rows Gardens and changing my favorite type of puzzle. The hours of joy you have brought to me and my girlfriend (we solve together) cannot be expressed adequately in words.
ReplyDeleteThank you for so many hours of enjoyment, Andrew. Love anything associated with Rows Garden and will happily anticipate any future occasional releases you put out. Best wishes!
ReplyDeleteAndrew, I have always looked forward to Tuesday Rows Gardens--a highlight of my puzzling week. I understand how difficult they are to produce, as I have tried my hand at a few. Thus I have been amazed at how you have been able to produce these week in, week out for 11 years! Good luck to you in all future endeavors.
ReplyDeleteThank you for so many years of enjoyment! I wish you all the best going forward. I look forward to whatever puzzling plans you may have for us in the future!
ReplyDeleteAll the best to you! I've truly enjoyed these puzzles - just finished today's - and will certainly keep my eye out for more from you in the future. Thank you for hours of stimulating entertainment!
ReplyDeleteI agree with everyone’s comments. Tuesdays won’t be the same without you.
ReplyDeleteI will miss your weekly RGs greatly. Please keep the monthly puzzles and occasional puzzle packs coming! Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe it's been 11 years. I too have looked forward to each and every Tuesday morning. Big highlight of my week. And while I absolutely understand your decision I will truly miss your weekly puzzles. I will definitely be on the lookout for any puzzle packs and will continue to enjoy your monthly free puzzles. Thank you so much- the hard work was not unnoticed all these years.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the new career, and thanks for the continuous stream of high quality puzzles!
ReplyDeleteI echo the comments here. Your Rows Gardens (and the crossword puzzles you used to do) are the best at hitting that sweet spot where it seems unsolvable at first but with some persistence gradually comes together. Wishing you the best of luck in future endeavors!
ReplyDeleteSteve in NOLA
I've enjoyed waking up on Tuesday mornings to your RG starting my day. I'll be there for the bundles and wish you all the best on your new direction.
ReplyDeleteAndrew, Your puzzles have become an important part of my day, now that I’ve retired. I’m always impressed with your challenging and quirky clues. I will be ordering any puzzle packs I may have missed, and look forward to future puzzles. Especially Double or Nothing! Ha ha. Best of luck to you and your new career.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes, Marian
I hope to purchase any future monthly bundles. Thank you for your great puzzles.
ReplyDeleteDear Andrew, such a mix of feelings! While I'm happy for your new endeavor, I'm SO SAD I won't be doing a Rows Garden from you each week! Please keep me in the loop for any puzzles you do create. Especially Double or Nothing as someone above already mentioned. We'll all miss you. With love from Bonnie V.
ReplyDeleteI'll second every one of the above comments.
Feels kind of like when a good friend at work gets a better job. Disappointed and glad at the same time.
You've made a lot of friends here.
All the best to you in the future.
Thank you for doing them as long as you did, I absolutely loved it. And thank you for linking to the other subscriptions, so we can still get our fix. I'll still be here for whatever puzzles you put out too.
ReplyDeleteI concur with everyone above and wish you the best in your new endeavors. Please make sure to keep me informed of any new puzzles you make available for purchase. I subscribe to all three rows gardens publishers and now feel like one of my three kids has left home and gone of to college! Tuesday's will now always feel a bit empty.
Thank you
I only recently discovered them and (as others have stated) it is the highlight of my week. Nothing compares to the feeling of a brand new RG on a clipboard on my bedside table. It's like a loved one... a friend. But there will be something new to give me that feeling and the quarterly RGs will be a perfectly wonderful compromise.
ReplyDeleteThis is such sad news. Yes, there are other people who make these puzzles, but yours are the best. If you continue to make puzzles on occasion, I will happily continue purchasing them.
ReplyDeleteBummed to hear that, but I understand you have other priorities right now. Thanks for all the great puzzles over the years! Will keep checking back for new puzzles and bundles.
ReplyDeleteDitto to all the positive comments! Your puzzles will definitely be missed!
ReplyDeleteWill you offer the second half of 2024 as a bundle?
ReplyDeleteYes! 2024 Second Half bundle should be available around January 1st, 2025.