I’m excited to release this BONUS Rows
Garden, and even more, it’s a meta contest!
Instructions for solving the meta are
included underneath the title of the Rows Garden. You may find the need to
consult external materials to arrive at the meta answer; this is more than okay
and indeed encouraged.
Once you’ve found the answer, email me at aries.puzzles@gmail.com before next Wednesday,
September 17th at 11:00 AM CDT with your answer in the subject line of the
email. You only can send one answer, so make sure it’s right before
Two solvers who send in correct answers, chosen
at random, will each receive a 2015 Aries Puzzles Rows Garden subscription, as
well as an autographed copy of my upcoming book of standard crosswords, Creepy
Feel free to share this link with family, friends, or any other interested puzzle people.
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