Back again with the first variety Aries Cryptic, titled "Slasher Film." This puzzle is PDF-only, and is offered in two versions: one with full enumerations, and one with no Down enumerations, which is a more challenging version. If you're an experienced cryptic solver like myself, I'd recommend solving the harder version. If you're newer to cryptics, or especially if you're new to variety cryptics, I'd recommend solving with the full enumerations. Hope you enjoy!
Aries Cryptic #3 - Harder version (no Down enumerations) - PDF
Aries Cryptic #3 - Full enumerations - PDF
Aries Cryptic #3 - Solution - PDF
Intro to Cryptics - PDF
P.S. Thanks for the feedback regarding the split six-letter answer in last week's grid. I'll avoid splitting them in the future; ultimately I just think it will be easier (and will save future confusion) to use three-letter entries in cryptics. I'll keep those to a minimum - zero ideally, and two at most in a grid.
Loved this variety cryptic, and your rose gardens continue to be top-notch. Keep up the good work!