Monday, November 19, 2018

Aries Cryptic #4

Thanks for the feedback regarding "Slasher Film"!  Back to a standard block cryptic this week, 13x13 in size. Hope you enjoy!

ICYMI - last week I released my latest crossword EP, called STRETCH. It's a collection of eight oversized themeless puzzles featuring stretched-out rectangular grids. For more info and to purchase, click here.

Cryptic #4 - PUZ

Cryptic #4 - PDF

Cryptic #4 - Solution

Intro to Cryptics - PDF


  1. Clue for 6D has the wrong enumeration. Fun puzzle, though!

  2. Good catch, Jenna - thanks so much. Files are corrected.

    Any Compiler whizzes out there? I'm stumped as to how this mistake happened. In Export-Clue Properties, I checked the box "Solution lengths after clues." All clues were properly enumerated upon doing this, including the multi-word clues, except for 6D, which for some reason Compiler thinks is a six-letter entry.

    I was able to work around this by manually typing the enumerations after each clue, but that's pretty annoying seeing as the program has the capability to do this. If anyone has any recommendations, I'd appreciate it!
