Thursday, April 29, 2021

Combinations #1

Combinations #1 - JPZ | PUZPDF | PDF (Grayscale) | Solution (PDF)

I have something new for the variety puzzle this month, a crossword variant called "Combinations." Instructions are included on the PDF and I have a JPZ and PUZ files for digital solving - you can use Crossword Nexus or Xword for solving JPZ files. Instructions are included in the Notepad in the digital versions.

This format evolved from a couple of separate ideas I had been developing over the last few months. Any and all feedback is highly encouraged! I'm wondering if there is a future with this format so comments on the solving experience would be very helpful. Hope you enjoy!

I've also added the April bundles for Rows Garden and Freestyle - check those out if you're interested in what to expect with a subscription

Happy solving!


  1. I like it. I'd be happy seeing these around as a variety option in the same kind of spaces (and at the same kind of frequency) that Going Too Far variants pop up.

  2. Great puzzle -- clever idea and nicely executed!

  3. Well . . . even though it wasn't a Rows Garden, we enjoyed it very much. It was a challenge figuring out where the double letters went.

  4. Thumbs up from me. Fun, and just challenging enough. I have to admit it took a little getting used to. At 14 across I thought, "Holy crap, Mel Ott was openly gay?"

  5. Cool puzzle. Look forward to more of these, Andrew.
